Schools & Colleges

We support schools and colleges to create an inclusive learning environment through the understanding and acknowledgement of neurodiverse students.

Neurodivergent children at school

We work with you to understand the specific requirements of your school or college, and develop a programme that supports your staff and students in the right way.

1. Education and training

It is estimated 15-20% of children and young people in the UK are neurodivergent, each one of them with very specific needs. That’s why awareness through education is key to enabling staff to provide supportive and inclusive learning environments for students. We provide tailored training programmes, with a range of training services which are designed to cater for your specific requirements, including things like on-site presentations for parents/ teachers/ students, workshops, webinars, seminars and more.

2. Working with SENCOs

We work alongside SENCOs to make recommendations regarding individualised or tailored support plans for pupils. We also provide diagnostic assessments to assist with exam accommodations and the EHCP process.

3. FREE online test

We provide a FREE online test for students who are displaying signs of neurodiversity. These tests will give students an indicative result, and they can go on to have an initial assessment with one of our clinical psychologists.

4. Initial assessment

The initial assessment in 60 minutes and consists of a series of tasks which have been designed to elicit subtle social communication difficulties, to explore creativity, and provide opportunities to observe repetitive behaviours and interests. For children under 12, we usually conduct this in person. We collect school reports and meet with the child’s SENCO or class teacher for additional information.

Further reading

Neurodiversity and School Distress

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a crisis in school attendance and the struggle many children and young people (CYP) face in attending school, particularly those with significant mental health challenges and neurodevelopmental conditions.

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How to Support Teens with Neurodevelopmental Conditions

Supporting autistic teenagers is crucial for fostering their development, self-esteem, and overall wellbeing. As they navigate the complexities of adolescence, autistic teens can face unique challenges that can impact their social interactions, academic performance, and mental health.  

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