Our team of clinical psychologists and therapists will work closely with you to conduct a two-stage assessment process. This will result in a detailed diagnosis.

Signs of ADHD in adults
If you can identify with any of the following behaviours, there’s a possibility that you may have ADHD.
- Difficulty with organisation
- Having trouble sitting still
- Being easily distracted

Signs of Autism in adults
If you can identify with any of the following behaviours, there’s a possibility that you may have Autism.
- Difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations
- Difficulty with imagination and play
- Repetitive patterns of behaviour or play
Further reading
Why seek an assessment later in life?
For many neurodivergent individuals, the journey to understanding their unique way of experiencing the world might not begin until later in life. Whether it’s Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or another neurodivergent condition, many adults only seek assessment after years of navigating challenges that went undiagnosed in childhood. This process can bring clarity, relief, and access to support, but it may also come with its own set of complexities and emotional challenges.
Managing Sensory Overload as a Neurodivergent Adult
Sensory sensitivities are a common experience for neurodivergent adults, particularly those with conditions such as ASD and ADHD. Sensory processing differences can present as heightened or reduced responses to stimuli such as noise, light, touch, or smell. For many, these responses can make everyday situations—like shopping, commuting, or even socialising—overwhelming or uncomfortable. These responses are due to differences in sensory processing systems, which can make certain stimuli feel more intense or harder to filter than they would for neurotypical individuals (Robertson & Baron-Cohen, 2017).