We offer online and in-person assessment of cognitive ability (IQ testing) and diagnosis of learning disability (LD) or intellectual disability (ID) for children, young people and adults.

A learning disability or intellectual disability is characterised by significant cognitive deficits (a global IQ score of less than 70) and significant difficulties with adaptive functioning (activities of daily life). By conducting a thorough assessment of your intellectual ability and adaptive functioning we can provide a picture of your specific strengths and difficulties (e.g. with working memory, processing speed, verbal skills or visual spatial skills). We can then tailor advice and support specific to your difficulties.
The assessment process is in keeping with the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines and the tools used in the assessment are evidence-based.
Find out more
Read about the process we follow for learning difficulty assessments for adults and children including the initial consultation, pre-assessment, assessment and next steps. These pages also include useful FAQs.
Further reading
Neurodiversity and School Distress
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a crisis in school attendance and the struggle many children and young people (CYP) face in attending school, particularly those with significant mental health challenges and neurodevelopmental conditions.
Getting Education Support as a Neurodivergent Young Person
Receiving a diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental condition, like ADHD or autism, can be incredibly helpful for young people in school or university. In the UK, there are opportunities for accessing tailored support and making the most out of education.