Historically, ADHD has been underdiagnosed in girls and women as it doesn’t fit the stereotypical picture of symptoms. For many years, ADHD was considered:
❌ Only hyperactive boys
❌ A childhood disorder
The reality is that ADHD symptoms can be present throughout the lifespan and in any gender. Symptoms in women can be quite different to men, with possibly more inattention and disorganisation than their male counterparts. Women with ADHD may also experience emotional dysregulation, difficulties with self-esteem, and comorbid mental health difficulties which may overshadow their ADHD symptoms.
Interestingly, some evidence suggests that females with ADHD have to be more symptomatic than their male counterparts to get a diagnosis (Vidalen et al., 2016).
Check out https://www.additudemag.com/ for excellent resources, news and articles about ADHD.
#womenwithADHD #ADHDawareness #ADHDinclusivity

ADHD in women often goes unnoticed.
Because masking behaviours and societal expectations make it harder to spot.
Women with ADHD often present differently due to the influence of puberty, pregnancy, or menopause.

Do any of these sound familiar?
- Feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks
- Hyperfocusing on interests
- Forgetfulness or time blindness
- Struggling with organisation
- Emotional sensitivity

Many women with ADHD are misdiagnosed with anxiety and depression. Masking traits can delay recognition of ADHD for years.

Why diagnosis matters
Understanding your brain can be life-changing. Diagnosis isn’t about labels – it’s about learning how to work with your unique strengths and needs.

Managing symptoms
Support can make all the difference. Tools like:
- Formal assessment
- Routine-building
- Self-care
- ADHD coaching
- Medication or therapy
- Support networks
can all help you thrive!

You're not alone!
Our neurodiversity assessments can help you understand ADHD traits and provide clarity for the next steps. Let’s explore this journey together.